That's a photo of treviso, a relative of the radicchio family.
After a drizzle of olive oil and a sprinkling of a sharp, nutty cheese (try our tasty Dutch Girl Mixed Milk cheese!) pop these babies in a hot oven for 10 minutes and become transformed in your opinion of bitter greens. Or add them to your fresh salad. Either way it's pretty fabulous!
Last week we just about sold out of greens by Saturday evening so we ordered even more for this week.
New this week:
Organic leeks
Organic red leaf lettuce
Fava bean, fresh and in the pod!
And the ever popular:
Baby spinach
Arugula (not baby this week!)
red kale-organic and gorgeous like last week
Grape tomatoes (organic)
New apples from Samascott
Blood oranges for those tasty margaritas!
and so much more, of course.
We even have a couple of quarts of goat's milk available this week.
And you've got to check out the most adorable and delicious coconut lady cakes from The Red barn.
POINT OF NOTE....Hillover regrets to inform us that they've had an issue at the bottling plant and there is no milk this week. They apologize for the inconvenience but are certain we'll have milk next week.
It's a disappointment as we've come to love the taste of super fresh milk. waiting a week will make us love it even more.